Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Since it was Father's Day a few days ago, I decided to post our Father's Day cards that we gave Dad. The first picture is mine, the second is Gus', and the third is Sam's. Mine is a sketch of PIXAR characters, Gus' is a picture of Gus and Dad having a Disco party, and Sam's is a picture of Dad with a hat that with the initials F.D. It stands for Father's Day. Tune in for more fun on the New Bob Blog.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Worky Walky Man

This is a dramatic and epic story about the legendary Worky Walky Man. A man who walks to work. So give a warm welcome to your favorite average Joe, The Worky Walky Man!!!

Whatever happened to the Bob Blog?

I lost the Bob Blog because I hadn't posted on it in a while and lost the password. I made a new account and a new blog. Tune in for more on ..........................The New Bob Blog!

Mario's Disco Party

This is another stop motion video I've made. It stars Super Mario. He Disco Dances. We've
beaten 3 mario games : Mario 64, Mario Kart, and New Super Mario Bros Wii!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Toy Story Whee!!!

We just saw Toy Story 3 on the big screen on opening day! It was a great movie with "lotso" funny jokes! It was exciting too!

  1. Excitement and Anticipation = Very High
  2. Rude Humor = Very Low
  3. Overall = 5 of 5 stars

I Thought it was the best pixar movie yet! It's the Movie-of-the-Year for sure, and you should go see it today! Feel free to put your opinions of the movie in the comments!

The Prospector's Blunder

This is one of the stop motion movies I've made! I made it with toy story LEGOs. It took about six hundred pictures too make! We just saw Toy Story 3 on opening night and it was Awesome!
Tune in for more movies, folks!