Saturday, June 19, 2010

Toy Story Whee!!!

We just saw Toy Story 3 on the big screen on opening day! It was a great movie with "lotso" funny jokes! It was exciting too!

  1. Excitement and Anticipation = Very High
  2. Rude Humor = Very Low
  3. Overall = 5 of 5 stars

I Thought it was the best pixar movie yet! It's the Movie-of-the-Year for sure, and you should go see it today! Feel free to put your opinions of the movie in the comments!


  1. Hurray for low rude humor !

  2. Thanks for the thumbs up, Bob! I'll try to get Grandma and Grandpa to go see it with me. The other Susan and I rented UP for Father's Day, the movie I gave you last Christmas, and we watched together. Grandpa really liked it. So he should like Toy Story 3 even more!
